Here are 100 in which you could kill a furby straight from Josie and I's minds. I hope that you like it!
1) Burned at the stake like a witch
2) Smashed with a sledge hammer
3) Pushed off a cliff (for they are the type of friend that
would say ‘yes’ when you asked them to jump off with you, then you just push
them off and laugh and they fall)
4) Feed to sharks
5) Murdered in the died of night
6) Exploded by a nuclear bomb
7) Thrown in a pile then burned like the Nazis did to books
8) Drowned in a lake
9) Chopped up by ninjas
10) Electrocuted in the electric chair
11) Run through with a sword like the dark ages
12) Used as cannon balls by pirates
13) Burned in a pot of boiling acid
14) Attacked by Jacob’s Wolf Pack (From Twilight)
15) Chopped in half with light saber
16) Put them in the Hunger Games
17) Throw them in the burning pits of Hell
18) Flaming them alive
19) Guillotined (chopping off their heads like in the French
20) Lock them in the room with FRED (YouTube star)
21) Run them over with monster truck
22) Beat them with a butter sock
23) Play screamo music in their ears till they explode
24) Beat up by professorial wrestler
25) Make them listen to a baby’s cries till they explode
26) Death sentence by the Volturi
27) Death sentence by Tickle Me Elmo
28) Death sentence by Death Eaters
29) Eaten by a pit bull
30) Execution by firing squad
31) Beat up by MMA match (Mixed Martial Arts)
32) Make then listen to Justin Bieber till they explode
33) Make them listen to Rebecca Black till they explode
34) Thrown out of an airplane without a parachute
35) Eaten by crocodiles
36) Hit by a train at 78 mph
37) Trampled by horses
38) Trampled by elephants
39) Make it play in DORM WARS!
40) Death by Chocolate River
41) Death by a Screaming Banshee
42) Killed in a wizard duel
43) Killed by a Basilisk (King of the Snakes)
44) Killed by Severus Snape’s monotone voice
45) Thrown to Dave Jones Locker
46) Going down with the ship at World’s End
47) Thrown into outer space were they explode
48) Chopped up with a chopping knife
49) Made to listen to bad Shakespeare then exploding
50) Eaten by tigers
51) Taken to Africa then exploding in the sun
52) Attack by a buffalo
53) Forced to listen to horrible Opera music then exploding
54) Killed by the Red Queen
55) Killed in a (snow) skiing accident
56) Locked in an lunatic asylum
57) Killed by Edward Scissorhands
58) Murdered by Sweeny Todd
59) Mauled by a Polar Bear
60) Drugged to death
61) Thrown in a Lion’s Pit like King David
62) Blown up like Aunt Marge in Harry Potter and the
Prisoner of Azkaban till they explode
63) Lured by Sirens to their death
64) Killed by James (from Twilight)
65) Being attacked by table saw
66) Deep frying them
67) Being put in a cement pit
68) Sunk in quick sand
69) Being cremated in a morgue
70) Eaten by a whale like Jonah
71) Melting in lava at the centre of the Earth (Journey to
the Centre of the Earth)
72) Destroyed by Po (Kung-Fu Panda)
73) Killed by a puzzle in Saw
74) Destroyed by Pikman (video game)
75) Eaten by Packman (video game)
76) Destroyed in Mario (Super Mario)
77) Blown up in a car crash (Fast and Furious)
78) Cooked like a pig of a stake
79) Death by Circus Afro (song)
80) Destroyed by Chuck Norris
81) Sent to die in the Sun
82) Killed by Abraham Lincoln (the vampire hunter side)
83) Eaten by Aslan (Narnia)
84) Turned into a Lady Gaga outfit
85) Death of H1N1
86) Death of the Black Plague
87) Destroyed by Paul Conn’s mustache
88) Killed by SlenderMan
89) Killed by the Silver Surfer (Fantastic Four)
90) Stabbed by Wolverine
91) Smashed by a steamroller
92) Chopped and put into a blender then made into a smoothie
93) Thrown off the Great Wall of China
94) Destroyed by Percy Jackson (book description of him not
95) Exploded by hair spray
96) Put into a microwave to explode
97) Poisoned with NIGHTLOCK (Hunger Games)
98) Crushed by Dorothy’s House (Wizard of Oz)
99) Death by the Spanish Influenza
100) Death by Obama’s ums